
Welcome to NAF El Centro!

Below you will find information pertaining to the Imperial County and the school districts. The school districts in the Imperial County are independent school districts that have their own enrollment process, calendars, school hours, procedures, and policies. In addition, information regarding enrollment, school transportation, homeschooling options, types of school transfers and other resources to assist military families is provided.

Please reach out to the points of contacts listed below if you should have any questions.

Giselle McLauren, East County School Liaison: Email:, Phone: 619-372-8914

Katrina Portwood, NAF El Centro Child Youth Program Director:


The 2 school sites that military students attend if they are residing in military housing on board NAF El Centro are listed below.

  1. Imperial County Office of Education  Imperial County consists of 21 school districts and colleges.
  2. School Districts and College for Imperial County – Calendars and links to school districts information.
  3. Early Care and Education Programs  Imperial County has two options for Early Childhood Education Programs, State Preschool and Head Start & Early Head Start. Locations do vary.
  4. Seeley Union School District  Located about 1 ½ miles from NAF El Centro, Seeley Union School District is the assigned school district for military students residing on board the installation. Seeley Union School District provides instruction for students in grades Transitional Kindergarten – 8th grade.
  5. Central Union High School District – Central Union High School District consists of 3 high schools, 1 adult school, and 1 virtual academy. The high school military students attend if residing on NAF El Centro is Southwest High School.


School districts in the Imperial County enroll students in their neighborhood school site based on home address. Documents needed to enroll a student include, a birth certificate, immunization records, previous school records (if possible), and a form of proof of residency. Utility bills, rental agreement, rent receipts, property tax payment receipt, mortgage documents, or your Lincoln Housing Agreement are all forms of proof of residency. Please visit your neighborhood school site to complete the registration process. If you are temporarily residing in a military lodge, hotel, or with friends or relatives, please contact the School Liaison Officer for assistance.


Intra-District Transfers are transfers in which the student’s parents request their child attend a school site other than their home school site, and the school site they would like their child attend is within the same boundaries of their current school district. Inter-District Transfers are transfers in which the student’s parents request their child attend a school site in another school district. The process begins at the home school district. The home school district will send the Inter-District Transfer Form to the requested school district.


Transportation provided for students residing on NAF El Centro is available for Seeley Union School District and Central Union High School District. School districts will provide transportation for students receiving special education support (must be written in student’s IEP).

  1. Seeley Union School District Transportation Information
  2. Central Union High School District Transportation Information


Information about the options for homeschooling in California can be found at:


California legislation states that military students have 30 days from the date of enrollment to obtain any immunizations required by the state. For a series of immunizations, initial vaccinations must be obtained within 30 days. Additional information and immunization requirements can be found at:


  1. California law states that all children must have a health checkup within 18 months before 1st grade or up to 90 days after starting 1st grade.
  2. K-1 Dental Exam, Oral Health Assessment, by a licensed California dental health professional is required for children entering public school for the first time (at Kindergarten or 1st grade). The Oral Health Assessment must be completed and returned by May 31st of the year of entry. Assessments done 12 months prior to school entry also meets this requirement.


If you have a child with a disability, all school districts provide programs for students with special needs. New families with children that have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) from another state, should contact the receiving school district to begin discussions regarding support services for their children. School Liaison Officers can also discuss with parents how to navigate the special education process and connect you with the Special Education Department to assist with specific questions that pertain to your child’s needs.

We encourage families with members enrolled in the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) to contact their case liaison, so the medical needs of your family members are met. The local number in which you can contact the EFMP Case Liaison Office at 619-705-5978.


Service members can volunteer in local schools by providing support for assemblies, STEAM activities, tutoring, mentoring, and other special events on the school sites. If a command or school site is interested in the Partnership in Education Program, please reach out to the Installation School Liaison Officer